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EVENT: for Practice Managers: Best Practice 2018

What: Best Practice 2018
When: 17th-18th October 2017
Where: NEC Birmingham, Hall 2, North Ave, Birmingham, West Midlands, B40 1NT
Tickets: Register here for free tickets

Best Practice and Best Practice in Nursing are Europe’s largest annual conference and exhibition for grassroots general practice and the wider primary care community, attracting more than 5,500 delegates over two days for training, knowledge sharing, networking and peer support.

This year’s event, incorporating the National Association of Primary Care’s Annual Conference and the DDA’s Annual Conference, is taking place at the Birmingham NEC on 17 and 18 October. The lively conference programme enables attendees to enhance their clinical and practice management skills and promotes the spread of ideas and innovations that will improve care and outcomes for patients and increase efficiency.

Best Practice understands the tough job that clinicians and management professionals have on their hands. That is why the 2018 conference will address all the crucial issues and will present solutions to your practice’s biggest challenges.

Staffing, demand and access, funding, premises and the massive overhaul to the GMS contract may be some of the worries keeping you up and night, and you can find the answers to those and more at Best Practice 2018!

Full programme

Best Practice 2018 also has a dedicated Practice Management Stream.

Breiman Munoz from CloserStill Media gives details below…

“This stream has a wealth of practical, case-based advice and solutions for busy practice managers, business managers and GPs to help you cope with the day-to-day pressures of running a practice in a rapidly transforming NHS landscape. The stream aims to support you to run a more profitable, efficient, resilient, digitally-enabled practice and to ensure that your career goes from strength to strength in the brave new world of primary care at scale. By the time of our conference, the NHS 10-year plan may well be published, setting out how the NHS will spend the Government’s £20 billion birthday gift to the NHS. How much of this money will filter down to general practice and how should it be invested? Attend the Practice Management stream to be updated on this issue and more.

The NHS is becoming ever-more complex with first the introduction of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships and now the drive to develop advanced Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to join-up NHS and social care services and finances across healthcare economies. Strengthened general practice and primary care is seen to sit in the heart of the new ICSs and to hold the key to their success. NHS England is encouraging the formation of primary care networks within these new systems to underpin them and enable more care to be delivered outside hospitals. But what does all this mean to your practice and patients? What are the options for working at scale and how can you team up with other local practices to ensure a collective voice and influence on the new ICS boards?

Keep up to speed on the rapidly changing NHS landscape with sessions explaining the basics of STPs, ICSs and the opportunities and challenges they pose for practices. Also, benefit from sessions sharing expert advice and first-hand experience on the legal, governance and financial challenges around mergers and super-partnerships. Speakers will arm you with the knowledge you need to navigate the process smoothly and to protect the interests of your practice, staff and patients every step of the way.

Other sessions in the Practice Management stream will be covering the practicalities and benefits of introducing new roles in to general practice including physician associates, care navigators and clinical pharmacists, with advice on how to get through some of those common sticking points in the process. There will be tips from the national Time to Care programme on immediate actions you can take to free up time in your practice and a workshop on mitigating the time and expense of preparing for CQC inspection and maximising your chances of achieving the coveted ‘Outstanding’ rating.

This stream will also cover how to harness the power of data to drive quality and efficiency improvements and workforce transformation. All issues, options and conundrums around GP premises will be addressed in sessions delivered by finance, legal and primary care premises experts and there will be a useful talk on the ins and outs of the ever-more complex NHS pension scheme, updates to be aware of and traps to avoid.

Finally, don’t miss our lively debate on the future of practice management with our inspiring line-up of three very experienced practice managers who are redefining the boundaries their profession.”

Register here for free tickets.


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