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Sugar tax, Jeremy Hunt and IT rants!

sugar cube and spoon sweet sweetenerWell, I seem to have so much to rant about this week that I’m not sure where to start, so here goes… sugar tax…really?! Is increasing the cost of sugar really truly actually going to stop our kids from being obese? No, of course it isn’t. Don’t the powers what be understand that education (which starts at home) is where we should be putting most of our efforts?vI know that’s easier said than done of course, and believe me, I’ve fed my kids chocolate buttons in the supermarket when they’ve been playing up but to be fair, they’re 18 and 24 and they should know better!

It’s easy to say eat less, move more – and if you’ve got weight to lose (haven’t we all?) well, that little mantra isn’t really that helpful – but putting a tax on sugar isn’t going to solve Britain’s obesity epidemic.  How about “everything in moderation”; we’ve been bashing on about this for years with smokers and they know the risks and they still smoke, so how is a sugar tax going to change habits?

Rant Number 2 involves my favourite (NOT) politician, our Jez! He’s dropped a rather large one this week hasn’t he? Misrepresenting doctors… “what? …again?” I hear you cry! Yes indeedy, the man was given the grace of a spine and a twin set – has he used them? Not appropriately, if at all, if you ask me. He needs to be moved somewhere like the Ministry of Rubber Tubing, that’ll keep him out of OUR way! Dave’s not listening to me either though so don’t hold your breath.

And Rant Number 3… well, this has happened today. As I write this blog, my computer is being remotely connected to a support team somewhere in a land far far away while they try and sort out an accounts software upgrade. I was forced into it, I didn’t want my PC to be changed but IT insisted it may die at some point in the not too distant future and really, it was in my best interests, so, against my better judgement, I allowed IT into the hallowed halls of my office. I let them take out the old PC and upgrade me to Windows 59…  now my accounts package won’t work because “it isn’t compatible” and so I’m upgrading to a ‘cloud’ version – but before I can do that I have to install a desktop version, upload a backup from the old version and then export to the ‘cloud’! Now I started this process at 10.30 this morning – and at 12 noon I admitted defeat and asked for help, and now at 4.45pm, they’re still online, escalating to their data services team, because my bloody computer won’t play ball!  Oh how I long for the days of double entry book-keeping – my life was simpler, I had a pencil and a book, I had no kids, I didn’t even have a computer (they hadn’t been invented – yes I AM that old!), but now I need to wait for the browser to finish, before support.me can remotely exit from my computer, leaving me without accounts. I knew there was a reason I had a drink problem!


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Nicola Davies

Practice Manager regularly ranting about the NHS. 35 years in Primary Care and still getting irritated by constant change for change sake! West Country Women Awards Nominee 2022 https://westcountrywomenawards.co.uk/

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One Response to “Sugar tax, Jeremy Hunt and IT rants!”
  1. Paul Smith Says:

    I am writing this with teeth firmly clenched together incase of a repeat of Wednesday afternoon – when my crown fell out not bad considering I had seven meetings scheduled the following day. But Friday I am back in after a relaxing 95 minute wait in the dentist (and I had to pay for the privalege).

    You have started me on the computer rant – Windows 7 upgrades probably accross the NHS primary care esstate – why when we were one of the last practices to be changed in our area did we encounter the same problems as the people who were changed over first? We fixed it (I have an excellent IT man been with the practice since he was in school) they then went back to the previous practices and ‘re-fixed’ the left over issues.

    I have an Imac at home (love it) but I macs and NHS net do not live in the same world. It was my fault I forgot to update the mac after changing my nhs net password – the problems that causes! Every day this week (having continued to forget to do the necessary on the mac / Iphone / Ipad) I thought lets sort it out – rang the thankfully local helpdesk to be answered by not my usual little helper have to reset my passord says I – OK will sort that out for you let me look you up – 14 passwords / telephone numbers / practice codes / email addresses later she says to me can you answer this security question – no says I – it seems to have been corrupt and I tried that it wont accept the right answers? right says the help desk where do you live – the first and 4th charachter of where you live I live in Liverpool – whats the first and 4th – It wont work quoth I – I know that sir but I need to ….. I know I shouldnt and its late and there is all sorts of really important stuff going on – but I slammed the phone down (note to self order new handset) Got on to my CSUIT lead – on holiday half term the deputy (never heard of him and him me) can you get someone to send me an email saying they know who you are -……. all sorted now plus my Iphone Ipad and tonight my Imac


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