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Other people’s mess

Other people’s messI am lucky enough to live in a very pretty little fishing village in Cornwall – fabulous for walking the dogs on the beach morning and night, but the downside is the huge number of tourists who slowly amble their way through the village (in the middle of the road I might add) because they have all the time in the world. Meanwhile I’m trying to drive my car down said road trying to (narrowly) avoid the tourists – it’s not great for your licence if you hit someone apparently!

I don’t begrudge the tourists and their pooches sharing the village with us, but I have noticed that the amount of poop that doesn’t get scooped is worse at holiday periods, than at other times. I know, your questioning my reasoning aren’t you… this doesn’t really have much to do with Primary Care I agree, but as I was scooping this morning (in the dark by head torch!) I then rambled into a train of thought about scooping other people’s poop at work (metaphorically speaking of course!). Weird I know, but stick with me – I am making a point!

It is, it seems, a necessary evil of our role that we inevitably sort out other people’s messes – whether that’s someone who hasn’t done what you asked them to do, someone who did something that you didn’t ask them to do, or even someone who did something that you did ask them to do but got it wrong and made a complete hash of things!  The control freak in me often says “do it yourself, it’s easier and it will get done properly” (I don’t know a PM who isn’t a control freak) but (a) that means that you have staff whom you think are incompetent and if that’s the case, why did you employ them;  (b) why didn’t you train them properly in the first place? and (c) you can’t delegate – and if you can’t delegate you shouldn’t be in the hot seat!

So, is there an answer? I don’t think there is because people are people and we all make mistakes – even me. I know, it’s hard to believe isn’t it, but there you go, I’ve admitted I have flaws! For us managers, sometimes we just have to pick up the pieces, scoop the poop, and make it right.  Of course, some poop is bigger than other poop – it might be easy to quickly rectify a mislaid prescription for a patient – but it’s altogether another story if, for example, a referral was missed (and don’t even think about that missed referral being a ‘two week wait’).  Bigger poop equals bigger scoops – but it’s so time consuming isn’t it?!

In an ideal world, the person who made the poop would do the scoop, but we’re in Primary Care and life isn’t like that. How many times recently has the poop been made by someone who doesn’t even work in your building? Mr H…. you know I’m talking about you, right?) And yet, here we all are, picking up YOUR poop!

The team I work with know that I’ll support them, and help them in any way I can – and I’ll certainly help them scoop the poop if something goes awry. Occasionally, I get a bit miffed but my bark is generally worse than my bite (no puns intended). We can go over the poop, scoop it up, re-visit the poop at a Significant Event meeting, if the poop is indeed that significant… but every now and then, I just want them to get it right the first time round and not poop at all!

Yes, I know – deluded as usual!  Maybe I should try that medication afterall…


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Nicola Davies

Practice Manager regularly ranting about the NHS. 35 years in Primary Care and still getting irritated by constant change for change sake! West Country Women Awards Nominee 2022 https://westcountrywomenawards.co.uk/

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5 Responses to “Other people’s mess”
  1. Susan Morgan Says:

    Very funny Nicola! and so true! I don’t like to consider myself a control freak but i guess I am because I do like to get things right. I’ve had quite a bit of poop to sort out lately and your article really hit the nail on the head with how i’ve been feeling lately. Always so much poop!

    thanks for making me laugh on a Friday morning!


    • Nicola Hayward Says:

      Hi Susan, glad it made you smile – by Friday the poop pile is quite large, but hey, it’s just all part of the job!!

      TFIF as we say, and have a great weekend
      Best wishes


  2. Gerry Barclay Says:

    And you can guarantee that any poop will involve “that” patient who will take great pleasure in creating the biggest fuss in the world to say that our service is the worst (even when they know full well that they get an excellent service!!!) – and I know where I would like to shove the scoop!!


  3. Nicola Hayward Says:

    Ah but Gerry surely you should know by now…….they’re always going to say the service is rubbish, even though it isn’t, and he who shouts loudest always get heard! I’m surprised you can’t hear me from here!!
    Best wishes to you and the FOD!


  4. Debbie Lawton Says:

    Nicola blooming fantastic gave me a giggle, keep scooping the poop because you are probably the best person to do it…so you could say they are playing to your strengths..always looking for the positive in the madness!


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