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Why have I wasted my time? – By Paula the PM

I have had it! I’m more fed up than I’ve felt in a long time. I have spent long months and many sleepless nights worrying about my unvaccinated staff. The thought that I’d have to fight to recruit new staff amongst a smaller pool of candidates, while every other practice was doing the same thing, left me sleepless and in a cold sweat. Now here I am, months later, and it seems that after some kind of ‘consultation’, all of this will have been for nothing. Of course, we all know that ‘consultation’ really means ‘this is what’s happening; like it or lump it’. I have yet to see a consultation that didn’t produce the expected results.

I feel like my team and I have ridden a roller coaster for the last two years and, as a result, I’ve had no spare time to speak of. I’m incandescent at the idea that my time has been wasted like this. I’m outraged that staff members have felt under such pressure. I feel like this and yet I’m STRONGLY pro-vaccination.

I’ve taken HR advice, attended webinars and sent letters to staff. That’s not to mention all the time I’ve spent with a sobbing and terrified staff member.

We have a lot of staff, and most were vaccinated as soon as it was offered during the pandemic. We’ve all got the odd GP or nurse who says they don’t have the flu jab as the side effects are worse than the flu. But even my usual suspects had their jabs for COVID. I was surprised that one of my colleagues was incredibly hesitant. Indeed, we had a couple who were still unvaccinated at the point where it was becoming a real issue. But for one staff member, this process has felt completely draining, frustrating and sad. A family member of theirs had had a vaccine very early on, and the side effects for this relative were horrific. Side effects like theirs are, of course, incredibly rare, but knowing that doesn’t help. My poor staff member was then caught between a rock and a really hard place. They would have to get over their terror or lose their job.

As the deadline of February 3rd loomed ever closer, we had more and more fraught conversations. This staff member is a brilliant member of the team, but the guidance made it clear that they needed to be vaccinated to stay working.

GPs tried gentle encouragement and, finally, we got to a position where the staff member was vaccinated. It has been the most exhausting fight of my professional career. I know that there are times in management when I need to just get on and do something, but never have I felt so conflicted about riding roughshod over someone’s legitimate concerns. I’ve never been a ‘my way or the highway’ sort of manager, I’ve always felt that to lead is to bring your team with you on the journey. ‘Vaccine or lose your job’ is not the way I roll and I have lost sleep over this. Nights and nights of sleep! Not to mention the amount of time I’ve spent making sure I’ve followed the right procedures and educated my staff about the consequences of not being vaccinated. And every step of the way, I’ve tried to make sure we didn’t do something wrong that, potentially, could have meant we’d be taken to a tribunal. I KNOW I’m not the only manager in my area who’s had similar experiences, and I bet this picture has been replicated nationwide.

I’m not going to be reimbursed for the hours I’ve wasted, and I get that (even though I could have used the time for something much more productive). What really rankles, though, is this: for every U-turn taken, trust has been eroded. In future, if we’re offering a ‘do this or be sacked’ scenario, my staff will assume that if they’re on the apparent ‘wrong’ side of the discussion, they can just bide their time until the very last minute and a U-turn will save them. In my view, you can only use a threat, if you’re prepared to carry it out. And if you’re not, then you really, really shouldn’t say it.

As I said, I’m beyond frustrated and annoyed, and I know I’m not the only one.


Paula the PM

Local Practice Manager

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9 Responses to “Why have I wasted my time? – By Paula the PM”
  1. Helen Louise Dickinson Says:

    Dear Paula,
    I totally agree with your comments and feel your frustrations. The amount of undue stress that this has caused not only the employees but employers too is enough to make people feel like resigning. The faith and trust has been lost.


  2. Nicola Davies Says:

    Totally get where you’re coming from Paula – thanks for voicing your outrage at this situation, which I agree, many of our colleagues have had to deal with.


  3. Stanford Says:

    It is a shambolic outrage – if it is of any consolation, your sentiments are shared by thousands I imagine. Stay strong – for your patients, your team, but especially for you and your family.


  4. Belinda Kristiansen Says:

    Thank you Paula for putting into words what we are feeling. It has been an exhausting 2 years and I have always been pro everything we have been asked to do to protect our patients and staff and feel proud that we have kept the service running despite some days when I only had a handful of staff – the dedicated staff that the NHS were prepared to lose…….it’s crazy.
    I wish we could add up the cost of this time wasting excercise and ask for reimbursement and then be able to reward our teams, they deserve it….


  5. Elizabeth Todd Says:

    I appreciate the frustration, we have all had to deal with it.

    From my point of view, I’m glad the Government has acted before I have had to dismiss any staff.

    I understand that they were concerned with the rate of infection and trying to save lives.

    I guess some businesses have not been as lucky and have lost valuable staff.

    It has been an exhausting couple of years, for everyone.


  6. Karen Steer Says:

    I completely agree with your sentiments Paula. I’m so fed up with the U turns and the changing of goalposts when I’ve spent copious hours doing what I think I’m supposed to – to then have the rug pulled. It’s exhausging and no wonder so many people are leaving the profession.


  7. Ann Says:

    despite having done everything asked of me as a manger to support the one member of the team that was not vaccinated and the associated stress on both of us……i may still lose her anyway, as she isn’t sure she wants to continue to work in an organisation (NHS) that treats their staff the way they have…………..


  8. Pauline Greer Says:

    I heard the news headlines that unvaccinated staff could mean a further loss of 20% in staffing levels if this ultimatum went ahead, I knew in my gut that there would be a U-turn.
    I have not spent any time on this, but I am fortunate that all my staff have been vaccinated, although not all have had the 3rd booster.
    I would have rather left my job than put through this ultimatum.


  9. Carol Says:

    Completely agree Paula
    So much time wasted and more distressingly a workforce that now feel even more undervalued by the Government, threatening one thing and then realising it will hurt them more, so changing their mind. It’s no wonder we are struggling to recruit.


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